Our goal at PHPSandbox has always been to redefine online development in the PHP community and every step takes us closer each day! We are glad to annouce the release of PHPSandbox CLI. A completely open source command line tool for interacting with PHPSandbox. PHPSandbox cli was is a part of our plan in simplifying how users can easily bring on their local projects to PHPSandbox and also bring projects from PHPSandbox to their local development environment. This first release already comes with several features which include
- Exporting a project to PHPSandbox You can now export projects from your local development environment to PHPSandbox from your command line by running a single command. The project is exported to PHPSandbox and a notebook is provisioned for it in few seconds. See more here
- Importing a project from PHPSandbox PHPSandbox CLI allows you to quickly import existing notebooks from PHPSandbox to your local development environment without breaking a sweat. The dependencies of the project are also installed in the import process. See more here .
Project configuration setup When exporting a project to PHPSandbox, there are several templates you can choose for your notebook to be created from. Of cause if this is not specified, we would run an autodiscovery to identifier the type of project you are exporting but you can generate a configuration file for your local project where you can define various setup options to be used when provisioning the project as a notebook. See more here
Authentication. To export a project to PHPSandbox using PHPSandbox CLI, you need to first be authenticated and this can easily be done by running a single command. See more hre
This release also comes with improvements on the PHPSandbox as a platform.Users can now import projects to PHPSandbox by uploading a zip file containing their project. Notebook content can also be downloaded as zip files.
PHPSandbox CLI is completely open source and we welcome contributions from the entire developers community. We look forward to seeing the amazing things you would do with PHPSandbox CLI. This is just part of the many things in our pipeline to become the defacto online IDE for PHP.
Haven't tried out PHPSandbox already? check it out here.
If you think there are ways we can improve PHPSandbox or you have things you would like to see on PHPSandbox, feel free to use any of our support channels to communicate this to us. You can reach us via Twitter, Discord, or GitHub.
We are also collecting a survey of what our users think and how best to improve the platform in this Google form.
We look forward to hearing from you and seeing the amazing things you are building with PHPSandbox!